my story
I was in the prime of my life. I was 29 years old. I was at the top of my game as the Head of Marketing & Communications for an iconic sports brand in London. I had thousands of friends. A beautiful family. Financial stability. Awe-inspiring experiences. Exceptional life joy. I had the world at my feet and I was taking it by storm. Wasn’t I?
Then, while home in Australia, I was bitten by a little mosquito. I got Ross River Fever. And I got very sick. I returned to London and 12 months later my body had almost fully shut down. I could no longer dress myself with ease or walk down a flight of stairs without feeling totally overwhelmed. I had rashes everywhere. In my ears. On my tongue. Swollen glands. Swollen eyes. A nose the size of a small dog. I was sensitive to all noise and light. Quick movements made me dizzy and my period was so painful that I saw my last European New Years Day from the fetal position in a Paris hotel room. I had no memory retention and my hair was falling out in clumps. Then the panic attack happened. Clapham Station. Too many people. Too much activity. Too scary for my body. Holy confronting.
I returned to Australia for tests. We knew things weren’t great but I’d be fine. Soon. Right? Wrong.
In May of 2009 I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was a shell of my former self. Abandoned inside. Lucky to be able to breathe on my own. Every single basic bodily function had almost stopped. I had one of two choices, fight for my Life or be swallowed up and left lifeless. I fought.
I can see it was here that things changed. It was here that things would never be the same. It was here that my body gave me the gift of consciousness. The gift of connectivity, the gift of awareness, of an empowered Self. It lit the way to my true path.
Welcome to green soul. This is my gift to you. It is my hope that something here might help you on your path. We all connect for different reasons, stumbling across something to propel us to the next something. We may not be consciously aware but each choice we make takes us to the next choice, offering us growth and gently shifting us to exactly where we’re meant to be.
And the gentle (it wasn’t always gentle actually!) shifting on my path has meant that I am where I’m meant to be, I am the healer and the practitioner that my body needed. I have studied and experienced an intensive and extensive healing journey, blessed to have been exposed to many different therapies, teachers, cultures, and perspectives. As I continue to bring in all that works for me, I also offer it to you when you book a session with me.
Thank you for visiting and sharing your energy with green soul. You’ve made my heart smile.
Much love and green soul vibrations,
nicky xox